emformX launches OTC Instrument Monitoring app on Finastra’s FusionFabric.cloud


OTC Instrument Monitoring app unlocks the power of data and monitors interest rate and currency derivatives for banks

Frankfurt, Germany, July 16, 2021: emformX, a cloud platform for end-to-end connectivity and immediate digital client coverage, today announced that its OTC Instrument Monitoring application is available for purchase through Finastra’s FusionStoreThe corporate banking and capital markets application will enable banks to benefit from easytouse deal aggregation, analytics and collaboration capabilities.

Going live on FusionStore marks the final stage of the app development journey for firms using Finastra’s open development cloud platform, FusionFabric.cloud. The FusionStore marketplace enables Finastra’s customers worldwide to access, test, purchase and deploy certified apps on top of Finastra core systems, helping them quickly realize the benefits and deliver added value to their customers.

Built on Finastra’s industry-leading core technologies and harnessing an extensive catalog of open APIs, emformX has developed a solution that enables monitoring on an instrument-by-instrumentor entire client portfolio basis. It centralizes interest rate hedges and underlying lender positions across multiple data sources into one bank and client facing cloud platform for shared use and interactionThe app further automates valuation driven and compliance tasks. OTC Instrument Monitoring connects to Finastra’s Fusion Summit core trading solution for easy integration and strong combined data driven business capabilitiesPre-integrated valuation functionality minimizes monitoring risk and automates breach detection.

Margo Karp, CEO at emformX, said, Using FusionFabric.cloud and being a part of FusionStore’s ecosystem allows emformX to extend its visibility and reach within its target market. By collaborating on the same instrument data, bankcan gain insight into their clients’ overall position performance faster, and improve compliance aspects and client communication.

Philip Taliaferro, Head of Partner and Fintech Ecosystem at Finastra, commented, “We’re excited that emformX has joined our FusionFabric.cloud ecosystem, with the launch of its OTC Instrument Monitoring app in our FusionStore. This milestone will enable our customers around the world to access innovative apps like OTC Instrument Monitoring quickly and cost efficiently, to extend their offerings and provide a better customer experience. As our fintech community continues to grow we are pleased to welcome emformX on board.

Using Finastra’s open APIs, developers can create solutions that address business challenges across the financial services spectrum, including retail banking, payments, transaction banking, corporate banking, lending, treasury and capital markets. Visit FusionStore for more information: https://store.fusionfabric.cloud

For further information please contact:

CEO, emformX
T +49 (0)16092 342136
E margo.karp@emformx.com

Global Head of PR, Finastra
T +44 (0)7917 613586
E caroline.duff@finastra.com

About emformX 

emformX is a Frankfurt based technology company providing cloud solutions for corporate banks. Founded by industry experts in 2018 it focusses on data driven upsell of interest rate and foreign exchange hedging solutions. It’s treasury and capital markets applications enable banks to benefit from automated risk advisory services which will lead to significant increase in sales productivity and a reduction in client churn. Find out more at emformX.com

About Finastra 

Finastra is building an open platform that accelerates collaboration and innovation in financial services, creating better experiences for people, businesses and communities. Supported by the broadest and deepest portfolio of financial services software, Finastra delivers this vitally important technology to financial institutions of all sizes across the globe, including 90 of the world’s top 100 banks. Our open architecture approach brings together a number of partners and innovators. Together we are leading the way in which applications are written, deployed and consumed in financial services to evolve with the changing needs of customers. Learn more at finastra.com  

About FusionFabric.cloud

FusionFabric.cloud is a scalable, open and collaborative development platform built by Finastra. The secure and proven cloud platform encourages innovation, opening up the company’s core systems through APIs so that third parties can develop applications on top. Fintechs can quickly build and promote apps worldwide. Financial institutions can access or create new services, which their customers are demanding, faster. Visit fusionfabric.cloud 

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